I was bullied in elementary school. Yep! That’s right! I’m starting this off with that confession and it took me almost two decades to finally confide in a friend who was also bullied. That’s when we realized something: I was bullied for something that WASN’T EVEN TRUE! Okay, so read this next confession very carefully: more
Work for your Passion, Not Just for a Paycheck
What should you do for a living? I know, we all have bills to pay. Trust me, this was a harsh realization when my fiancé and I moved from Savannah, Georgia to near Orlando, Florida to give me a better opportunity to use my freshly earned degree in Computer Animation (by fresh I mean we more
Successful Mistakes
How often do we refuse to try or continue something out of fear of failure? I did it a lot when I was younger. I quit gymnastics because I thought the instructor was mean. I quit karate because I was afraid to go to tournaments because I didn’t want to get hurt. Heck, even though I loved to sing, more