Categories: Education

5 Ways to Learn Using Social Media

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Social Media is expanding and evolving every year with new platforms constantly being added to our communication options (to hint at my age, I think I know more about MySpace than SnapChat)! Although social media is used mostly for entertainment (and increasingly by businesses if by some miracle anyone hasn’t noticed a single ad in their newsfeed), social media also has reliable information to expand your knowledge if you know where to look! So here are some of my favorite ways to learn using social media!

This blog has been updated with an affiliate link. This means that, at no extra cost to you, if you so choose to participate in some of the learning opportunities here, we at Kyrabe Stories may receive a commission as gratitude from the partnering companies. Thank you sincerely for your support and for your desire to learn and grow! I hope you enjoy the blog!

1. YouTube

What!? YouTube isn’t just for comedy, dramatic stories, and cat videos!? Nope! Although my personal viewing history consists of some random array of entertainment (“My Little Pony” being at the top of that list), I create separate playlists on our YouTube page for specific topics like, Maya, Illustrator, Photoshop, or even just cool technology releases. If you’re not sure what to look for, you can also check out other people’s playlists (if they’re set to public) to gather ideas. 

You can visit our YouTube page for some playlist ideas. Over time, our playlists will continue to grow.

2. Pinterest

Okay, so technically Pinterest is more of a “search engine” than a “social” platform, but we’re adding it! have used Pinterest on and off over the years. Overall, I enjoy it whenever I have a set idea and need some inspiration on how to go about it (like quick recipes or much-needed blogging tips). Pinterest allows you to technically “pin your interests” to boards you have created. Boards are kind of like folders that others can view and follow if it’s set to public. I used Pinterest more often during my college days when I needed to make mood boards for my projects.

We now have a Pinterest page to collect pins on blogging ideas, managing social media sites, and fun reads from friends. Many pins then link to other sites like blogs, articles, and even video tutorials that’s focused on that topic! For your account, you can create specific boards and add whatever you want to it! This social media platform is extremely useful for fans of DIY projects!

You can visit our Pinterest page for some board ideas. Over time, our boards will continue to grow.

3. LinkedIn

I explained in our blog “My Top 5 Affordable Ways to Educate Myself” why I am a big fan of LinkedIn Learning, but if you don’t wish to spend $29.99 a month for the courses provided, don’t fret! There are other ways to learn using LinkedIn! The most popular option would most likely be the LinkedIn articles where professionals of many areas will provide their inputs and link to their resources. 

In the search bar, we have an option to search by People, Jobs, and Content. By selecting Content and typing in specific keywords or hashtags (example: #RandomTopic) relating to your topic of choice, the feed will filter the content to show postings related to your search. Also, if you’re more interested in “trending” topics, to the right of your LinkedIn feed you’ll find a “What people are talking about” section that will update you on a variety of news.

If you don’t have an account and would like to try a free trial of LinkedIn Learning, visit

We are also on LinkedIn as Kyndall Bennett and Stevenn Wilkins if you’d like to connect with us!  We also now have a LinkedIn page for Kyrabe Stories!

4. Facebook Groups and Pages

You’d be surprised how many active communities are on Facebook who’s set goal is to help educate others about that niche! Some of these groups are private, so you may have to ask around or do a little digging. Once you find and join a good active group, though, you’ll find that it’s a goldmine of knowledge.

From influential bloggers to experienced entrepreneurs to professional leaders, these groups can provide links, discounted courses, tutorials, free e-books, you name it! Heck, I joined two blogging groups to learn how to expand my growth, and they have both been amazing at guiding me in the right direction! And even if you don’t feel comfortable with joining groups, you can still look up great information by using hashtags of any topic (example: #AnyTopic) to find information that you wish to learn about. Some that I personally use are:

  • #PersonalDevelopment
  • #ProfessionalDevelopment
  • #SelfImprovement
  • #MoneyTips (Gotta cover these bills, right?)
  • #PersonalGrowth
  • (plus, some about recipes, anime, fancy houses, and cats, but I digress…)

You can also join our Facebook page where we’ll be more focused on personal development posts. Please feel free to comment on any discussions!

5. Twitter

From around the world, millions of tweets are sent per day! So there must be SOMETHING beneficial within that tidal wave of information, right!? If you answered yes, you are correct! Twitter users range from casual posters to business entrepreneurs to professionals in any given field! Similar to Facebook, we can find these specializing tweets by filtering the hashtags for specific topics and trends! 

Twitter is also a fast way to interact with others with similar interests. Something that I’ve started using on our Twitter page is the “List” function. Lists allow you to add specific Twitter pages to personalized categories on your page. For example, I’ve added many of our YouTube Streamer friends in a List so that if anyone wants a quick update as to what they are up to, the List filters only their tweets into a neat little section away from the massive Tweet flood of information. There’s also a Professional Development List on our page that you can click on and subscribe to for getting started on your personal goals!

You can view and follow our Twitter Lists here! We’ll add more Lists over time!

This is by far not an exhausted list of ways to learn by using social media. These are just the top five that I use almost daily. 

Now let’s hear from you!

If you have a social media platform that you like to use for education, please share in the comments below! Do you have a friend that you believe might benefit from this blog? Please share it! If you enjoyed the content, please subscribe to the newsletter for updates on new releases! 

And above all, remember to live life one story at a time!

Take care,

Kyndall Bennett from Kyrabe Stories

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Kyrabe Stories

Personal Development Blogger and Travel Photographer! Just trying to live life one story at a time.

View Comments

    • Thank you! The articles are very helpful if one doesn't want to sign up for LinkedIn Learning just yet.

  • Social media gets a bad rap these days but if you are conscious of the time you spend on it (and not when you are in the company of someone physically) it really is a tremendous learning tool. Thanks for pointing that out!

    • Yes for pointing out being in the company of others physically! Social media is a powerful tool, but it shouldn't replace human interaction!

  • I'm learning all the time one social platforms. And my husband has done so many house and car projects just by watching You Tube. Great resource.

    • In college, YouTube tutorials saved me so many times! And I think my mom might believe that I'm a guru with technology even though 95% of my fixes most likely came from watching a YouTube tutorial! ?

  • This is awesome!!!! I guess we don't realize how much we can actually learn from social media.

    • Thank you! I wish I had known about how to use social media to learn new skills years ago. I'm STILL trying to figure out the platforms that have come out in recent years!

    • Facebook groups are amazing for interacting with people with similar goals! It's a great way to stay motivated!

  • I have had great experiences with Facebook. Broadening my horizens by using Twitter and Instagram. LinkedIn is a great suggestion!

    • It's great that you are experimenting! If you discover something that wasn't listed here, feel free to comment a recommendation, Pam!

  • that's a cool concept - using social media not just for fun but also for learning. i am somewhat struggling with twitter lists - need to master that piece. otherwise cool summary

    • Hi, Alexandra! I'll be coming out with a free Teachable course this year that goes more in depth about using social media for personal development, and one of the modules explain how to create and use lists. If you've already subscribed to the newsletter, then the release date will be sent out to you in the upcoming months. ? I just need to set aside time to complete the remaining modules.

  • Twitter and YouTube still scare me. I pinned this so I can come back for these tips. Thanks!

    • Lol! Twitter I'm still exploring! The hashtags are useful for finding specific topics, but there are days when I'll get distracted by a trending news hashtag and I'll wonder if exposing myself to the topic will benefit me or just cause unnecessary stress.

  • I'm a huge fan of Pinterest but now looking into I can maximize YouTube if I decide to homeschool. I heard it's very helpful.

    • I don't think I listed it here, but I recommended also looking into Udemy. Many of the courses are free, and there are constant sales going on for the priced courses. The topics vary as well.

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