Codecademy Pro Promotion – Building Code without Breaking the Bank!

Many thanks to Codecademy for sponsoring this post as a learning opportunity for the Kyrabe Stories community. If anyone chooses to participate in the Codecademy Pro promotion at the end of this blog, we at Kyrabe Stories may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I hope you enjoy the story!

I have a confession to make…you ready?

In recent years, I’ve sucked at learning to build code! Like, I was so clueless, I didn’t even realize that there were technically different ways to write everything out, disregarding that each language went by a different name! Imagine taking English one semester, Spanish the next semester, and French after that, then wondering why nothing is making any sense! 

I know! I know! This was a major face-palm realization for me. I took about four 10-week programming courses in college with the first being “Advanced Applications of Scripting.” First off, if you decide to learn a BRAND-NEW skill, I do not advise enrolling into anything with the word “Advanced” in it. Still, I had a high level of cocky confidence and enrolled anyways. 

Y’all, I had to go buy Tylenol after that first lesson! By a miracle and the mercy of a kind-hearted professor, I managed to pass but barely remembered a thing other than that I had a newly developed “dislike” for semi-colons. 

Long story short…

From then to graduation, I enrolled in three more programming courses that taught three different languages, and it wasn’t until the third course overall where my brain finally pieced together that something was missing! It was a Python course! We weren’t using semi-colons! I enrolled in an overall total of 40 weeks of courses just to learn how to code, and it took almost 75% of that time to realize that the codes were different! 

I felt defeated. The last course was “easier”, but by this point, my brain has had enough of these cram sessions. 

Let’s fast forward a year.

It’s been about a year, and I’ve considered getting back into coding. I’ve watched tutorials and read through some books, but very little seemed to stick. Some information did, but I’m willing to admit now that I need others to help hold me accountable for sticking to something like learning to code. It truly is a challenge but a worthy one. First, I would need to locate more resources for coding.

It was almost like a majestic miracle that Codecademy reached out to me right about this time. Either that or Google has been listening to me talk to myself again…  

I looked into their program.

Honestly, I’m actually impressed! Here are some quick points that definitely helped me warm up to Codecademy Pro: 

We can choose whether to take the monthly, six-month, or the annual route to learn, and most of it is at our own pace.

My college courses were for ten weeks each. That’s a LOT of information to learn in such a short time-frame! Someone more experienced could probably knock it out in less time then start a new lesson, but I could really use the learning extension! Overall, the annual route ends up being cheaper over the long run. If you’re a super-fast learner then 1) I envy you and 2) the six-month or even the month-to-month might still offer you enough time. If you’re still not fully sure, Codecademy also offers a one-week trial to help us get an idea of what to expect. This is what I did, and so far I’m pretty impressed with the layout. 

Online community through the Slack app.

Remember in class waiting with your hand desperately raised high for the professor to notice because you’re confused at your wit’s end? Or was that just me? Anyways, Codecademy Pro offers access to a whole community to answer our questions, to challenge our creativity, and to help keep us on track. No more having to wait for the single soul who knows what the heck is going on to answer our questions! There are many who can come to our mental rescue now!

✔ Career Paths

Our visions and goals won’t be the same, but the capability to code will still be invaluable for whichever path we choose. Currently, we have the options of Web Development, Data Science, Computer Science, and (my personal choice) Code Foundations! 

Codecademy Pro Career Paths

I was able to go into the Code Foundations course, and I have to say that I am overjoyed to see that the courses not only are broken down into bite size pieces, but the initial lessons are super simplified! We learn the terminology by completing small exercises to gain a full understanding of key programming terms! 

Learning about Variables with Codecademy Pro
Learning about Variables with Codecademy Pro

Skill Paths

The skills paths are also beginner-friendly, and there are no prerequisites or prior experience required! From the current catalog, there’s Analyze Data with Python, Analyze Data with SQLCreate a Back-End App with JavaScript, Create a Front-End App with React, Get Started with Machine Learning, and Learn How to Build Websites. Now, these courses look like they’re timed by 6-10 weeks. If you’re motivated to learn a specific skill, go for it! 

Codecademy Pro Skill Paths

✔ It’s Super Affordable!

Okay, I’m sure a majority of us have heard the saying “You get what you pay for,” and that was my initial concern when I saw the price! For the annual route, we get all of this for less than a dollar a day! And with their 30% off the Codecademy Pro promotion going on until May 23rd, we can access a full year of information for roughly 50 CENTS A DAY! That’s less than a Starbucks Frappuccino once a week! I would know! I’m addicted to those darn frozen treats!

Codecademy Pro Promotion Price

We just have to use the code “SKILLPATHS” at the checkout!

Make sure to press the “Apply” Button to see the matching price. It’ll turn into a checkmark after confirmation as shown above.

Get 30% off a 12 month Codecademy Pro plan! Use code SKILLPATHS. Sale ends May 23.

I’m positive that there’s a multitude of things we want to do within our virtual worlds! There are many ideas that we wish existed, or even apps we wanted to customize but instead were limited to someone else’s pre-settings. Although our aspirations may be different, I’m sure that I’m not the only person who desires creative freedom. Plus, I might not always have the funds to hire someone to do it for me. And what if their design doesn’t match what I envisioned? Would I know how to tweak it? 

We want to be able to customize things to fit our vision. To do this, we NEED to learn to code, even if it’s just the basic foundations. We are already well into the Digital Age, and the technology is only going to advance substantially from here on out! 

So, what are you waiting for?

Here’s your premium learning opportunity with the Codecademy Pro promotion to advance your future! ENROLL TODAY! 

Happy Learning, 

Kyndall Bennett from Kyrabe Stories

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Kyrabe Stories

Personal Development Blogger and Travel Photographer! Just trying to live life one story at a time.

View Comments

  • I have been thinking of taking a coding class myself so this was an interested and educational read. Thx for posting.

    • Just don't make my mistake and try to learn everything at once! I believe that every type of code has its benefits. Whichever you decide to pursue, I can't wait to see what you create!

  • I pinned this so I can read again. This article is content rich. I appreciate. Keep writing ;)

  • LOVE THIS!! I'm actually working on a Scratch post right now! I have been wanting to learn real coding languages, not just scratch that is made for kids ??. I will definitely need to look into this!

    • At least you started with a language! One of my favorite programming books I still have is "Teach Your Kids How to Code - A Parent-Friendly Guide to Python Programming" by Bryson Payne. I don't even have kids! I bought it for myself because other books went over my head! ?

  • Hahahahaha! I don't doubt that Google has been listening to you talk to yourself again! Happens to me and my feed all the time! I'm glad they reached out and you are learning so much!

    • Thank you! Sometimes, Google scares me. Other times, I have to appreciate its "attentiveness"!

  • Oh my goodness, I wish I would have done this when I was younger...I truly struggle with coding and having a blog, I wish I knew more! What a great opportunity, I had one company offer to give me their program from half off if I would blog about the experience and it was still more expensive than this!! Thank you for sharing so many people will learn so much!

    • I wish I had learned HTML earlier on. If you do pick up coding, I would love to see your progress with it! It's never too late to learn, especially if it'll help with your blog. ❤

  • My son is wanting to get into coding. I wonder if this would work for him! Thanks for the post! I'll look into it

    • There is a one-week trial that your son can try to see if the lessons will be a good fit for him. That's what I did.

  • I might do this! I took the free course from Code Academy and absolutely loved it. I am so happy that now I can insert code to make my links open in a new tab since my theme doesn't have the option. Knowing how to code is fun and powerful! Thank you for the great post!

    • That's awesome that you've started learning to code with their courses! I spent an hour trying to figure out how to center an image within one of my sidebar widgets with HTML! I can do it in a few seconds now, but OMG that initial learning curve was a butt sore!

  • Interesting. Once I was trying to learn both Phython and Java. Did not get too far with that though. Leant the basics. Maybe I should consider doing it again ?

    • I HIGHLY recommend just choosing ONE to start with and choose based on what you would like to use the code for! Every language has a slightly different way of organizing the syntax than another language. The Codecademy site has helpful short explanations on what each programming language will be good for, like since I want to customize my website later this year, it's recommended that I study HTML.

      If you do decide to try it out again, I would love to hear about your progress!

  • Very helpful to know in the future if I ever want to pick up coding! Thanks for sharing!

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